Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Finals Christmas Template

This semester has taught me a lot about Photoshop and the amazing things you can do. Photoshop has enhanced my ideas of creation and imagination. You can do so many things with Photoshop, you’ll be surprise what you could do with a few easy steps. One of my favorites tools of Photoshop that I learned to use this semester is the layer mask. With layer mask you could put any layer or image on top of another and erase what you want. You could erase the parts you don’t want in your picture and make it seem 3D instead of 2D.
Another favorite tool I used a lot this year is the lasso tool. With the lasso tool I could manually select any part of an image and deleted. For example if I want it to delete a part of an arm, a ceiling, or a person. I would use the lasso tool and remove that part. Also, another favorite tool is the clone stamp. With the clone stamp you could clone any part of a picture and put it wherever you want. If you want it to make a person have three eyes you could use the clone stamp; clone one of the eyes and put it on top of the person’s picture forehead or wherever you want. It could also be an arm a head, or even a place.
Finally, if you want to add a little more to your picture I recommend using the brush tool and the brush tip shape. The brush tip shape is amazing; you could transform or make a brush any way you want. If you take a simple brush tool you could multiply it and scatter it all along the picture. This adds a nice effect to any picture. Also, this is an easy way to add effect to a logo so you could satisfy and “wow” your costumers.
In the end Photoshop has taught me a lot and show me how far technology has gone and I bet it’s even farther. I think Photoshop is the number one for artistic logos, montage pictures, and effects and is used all along the world. So finally with these tools and many more I was able to create and have ideas for my final Christmas template.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Logo 1

For my best logo I used techniques I have learned from previous tutorials and tutorials I have learn from a few days ago. My logo represents recycling and saving the earth from pollution. If you throw your trash to the streets, you’re throwing away the planet you’re living in. Let the Earth be clean and throw your trash away in a trash can! And also recycle. Now for techniques I used to make this is brush and layer mask. First, I got a trash can from the internet and a picture of our planet. I erased half of the planets picture to make it seem as if it’s in the trash can, ready to get polluted. Then I used the costume shape tool to use a shape of a recycle sign. I put it on the trash can and use layer mask to make it blend with it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Logo 2

For my last logo I did it on a subject I like, Medical Science. Medical Science has find ways to cure diseases in blood cells. To make the logo I got two pictures of DNA and medical. I used the Magic Wand Tool to take out the background for the two pictures. Then I put in the DNA picture with the medical. I added Text and used Bevel and Emboss to add 3D to the text. I think this logo will say how Medical science is all about.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Logo 3

For my third logo I used the pen tool, costume shape tool, and text. First, I needed a picture to represent a heart. So I used the costume shape tool and I found my heart. At first the heart shape looked simple and 2D. So I went and used Bevel and Emboss to make it look more realistic. After I added the shadows and brightness I used the pen tool. Now this part was hard to me. I wanted to make a heart beat with the pen tool and it came out ok. Finally I added the text that are “live longer” and “Health Care.” This is saying if you get health care you will live longer years and a healthy life. Because that’s what health care has done. And with an emergency, if you have Health Care, your life will be saved. To me this is very important. It helps you and family members to be safe.

Logo 4

For my second logo I mostly used text and silhouette pictures. I want it to a logo that I like that are in my clothes, accessories, and my sport equipment. I did a logo for a Nike which I think it’s one of the best sporting stores. I used to silhouette picture of two guy playing soccer, but I cut one of the guys head to put the logo of Nike there. Also, I put Nike’s logo on the two silhouette soccer player in their shirts shoes and the ball. To do that I had to copy the logos over and over and I put them in a set so I won’t get lost. Finally I added the texts that are Nike, shoes, clothing, accessories etc. I really like this logo I did and I think it will look great in products from Nike.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Montage Project

For my montage, I used the tools and skills I learned from the website roseindia/ Photoshop/tutorials. Using those skills I was able to manipulate and make an effect on the picture to make it realistic, emotional, and create a story. Using the tools elliptical marquee, polygonal and magnetic lasso tool, brush and history brush, pattern stamp, and most importantly layer mask. With these tools I was able to make realistic and the same time make it feel as if it’s telling a story. This montage wouldn’t have felt 3D if it weren’t for the tool I think was the most important, layer mask. Layer mask helped me make it realistic as if the pictures connect with each other and not flat.
Using the layer mask I was able to put a picture on top of another picture and erase the edges, parts of the picture, or unimportant parts. Doing the same step with the boy and the girl I was able to manipulate those two pictures making as if their originally in the picture. The tools and skills I learned from roseindia helped me a lot by connecting two pictures together and adding additional creations or pictures to a certain photo.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First what I did in this picture is I used Ellipse Tool to make a round shape so I can make it a meteor as if its crushing down. After I drew the two Ellipse circles i edited them to make them look like a meteor and I added a little fire using the same steps I used on my previous project. After I did that I added fire to the picture at the bottom. Using the Polygonal Lasso I drew kind of a fire effect line. Then I added yellow to the inside and added a little orange on top so it will look like fire. And the robot in the picture with a bunch of wires of mechanics, I added it so it wool look as if he is trying to save a tree from getting destroyed and destroying the beauty of the planet.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I wanted to do a picture that says the galaxy is almost at its end. Here, in this picture, I made as if the planets are crushing with the sun or maybe a sun. They are about to meet its end into something you can't escape or stop. To do this picture I looked in google and searched "planets." When I found my two pictures, I needed another picture that look as if they are about to crash. And so I found a picture of the sun and thought, "this is perfect!" I cut down the planets from their original picture using the Polygonal Lasso tool cuting down the background after you inverse the picture, I added the two planets to the "sun picture," and added a little fire two the planets as if they are burning up as they get closer and closer to the sun. Using the Brush Tool I colored the front side of the planet with and orange kind of color and I ripple the colors so it will look af it is burning up. I did the exact same thing to the other planet but putting it a little more closer to the sun.Then after i edited the planets and adding them to the "sun picture," I got the brush tool choosed a white color and drew a line. I drew about three lines and the reason I did that is to make it as meteor showers are passing by. I edited the white lines make it them smaller and larger making them look as if their metero showers.

A dog with his two ironic friends.

The dog in this picture reminds me of the dog I have, which is exactly the same dog. So, I decided I want it to edit, custom, or add effect to a picture of the same dog I have. First, I used the Polygonal Lasso Tool and outline the whole body. Then I inverse the picture so I could add an effect to the background instead of the dog. I added a little bit of noise to the background, about 5.0%. Then I started to look for pictures for what the things he likes to do. I was going to put a Frisbee but then i found two picture of a bird. And I remember he likes to watch birds and followed them around trying to catch them. So I open a new file, took one of the pictures and open it, and then I edited with Polygonal Lasso Tool. Cutting the outlines around him. Using the same step I used before, inverse the picture, cut everything from the background, then I took the bird in the picturte alone and put it on the "dog picture." I put it on top of his nose. I did the same thing for the other picture of a bird and put it on the dog's tail. This picture reminds me of the dog I have but this dog in this picture acts completley the oposite. If this was my dog, those birds wouldn't be there.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My First Impressions

In this class I expect to learn to make new designs, make images or projects out of ordinary, and learn how to put different kind of pictures into one design. This class will show me how to use Photoshop and how Photoshop will help me in ways to make an image strange, but yet artistic. This is what i expect from this class but I know when I'm half way through the year i'll be surprise on how many things can Photoshop can do more. In the end, I think Photoshop will help me make an image powerfull and artistic and I expect to learn that in this class, but in the end that depends on me.